EKF SLAM from Scratch
In this project, I implement an extended Kalman filter (EKF) simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm from scratch for the Turtlebot3 using C++ and ROS2. This includes a simulator so the algorithm can be tested in simulation before being tested on the real robot.
The video below shows a demonstration which compares the performance of the SLAM estimate versus the odometry estimate. In this demonstration, the red robot is the true/simulated position of the robot. The blue robot is the position of the robot based solely on wheel odometry. The green robot is the position of the robot based on the EKF SLAM algorithm assuming a know data association.

Towards the beginning before hitting the obstacle, because of simulated wheel slipping, the odometry estimate slowly drifts from the true position of the robot while the pose estimate from SLAM remains good. Once the robot runs into an obstacle, during the collision, wheel rotation does not result in the motion that is expected by the odometry model, so the odometry pose estimate becomes even more incorrect. However, you can see that the SLAM pose estimate remains quite good.